Wednesday, December 10, 2014



The highway has been around since humans require an area to walk all the more so after finding them in the form of a wheeled vehicle drawn carriage horse. It is not clear to say that the earlier civilization makes highway. But almost all of civilization is inseparable from the existence of the highway.


 Picture : Classification of Highway

The classification of roads according to the function are:

Classification according to the function consists of three groups, namely:

Arterial road is the main road serving the transport characteristics of long-distance travel, the average speed is high, and the number of driveways limited efficiently.

Collector roads are roads that serve the transportation collector / divider with traits were traveling distance, average speed and the number of driveways are limited.

Local roads are roads serve local transportation with the characteristics travel a short distance, average speed is low, and the number of driveways are not restricted.

The classification of roads according to road terrain.

Classified road terrain must be based on the condition of most of the slope of the measured field perpendicular to the contour lines. Uniformity of the projected road terrain conditions should consider the uniformity of field conditions according to the road alignment plan ignores changes on a small part of the segments of the road plan.

Road Classification Based on Status

Grouping way intended to create legal certainty, in accordance with road management authorities and local governments. Public roads are grouped according to the status of national roads, provincial roads, county roads, city streets and village roads.

     National roads, is the arterial roads and collector roads in the primary road network system that connects antaribukota provincial, and national strategic roads, and highways.

     Provincial roads, collector roads in the system is the primary road network that connects the capital of the province with the capital district / city, or antaribukota district / city and provincial strategic way.

     District roads, local roads is the primary road network system that does not include road connecting the capital of the district with the capital district, sub-district antaribukota, the capital district with local activity centers, antarpusat local activities, as well as public roads in the secondary road network system in the district, and strategic road district.

     City streets, is a public road in the secondary road network system that connects antarpusat service in the city, connecting the center of the parcel service, connecting between the parcels, and connect antarpusat settlements inside the city.

     Village road, a public road that connects the region and / or inter-settlement in the village, as well as the environment.

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