Saturday, April 4, 2015

Road Traffic Engineering (Transportation)

VOLUME AND CAPACITY AT THE JUNCTION ROAD TRAFFIC - Traffic Volume of traffic volume is the number of vehicles passing through the intersection / piece of road to be observed. The data are important in the evaluation of the intersection is to determine the volume of traffic per hour.
The government has a goal to achieve traffic and road transport are safe, secure, fast, smooth, orderly and organized, comfortable and efficient through traffic management and traffic engineering. The procedure for traffic on the road arranged by laws - laws regarding the direction of traffic, priority use of road, traffic lanes and control the flow in the intersection.

Road Traffic Engineering (Transportation)

Based on observations, traffic movement patterns have characteristics. These characteristics are formed on some of the characteristics of the components of the traffic. In the evaluation was signalized intersection traffic components measured were:

1. light vehicle (LV)
2. Heavy vehicles (HV)
3. Motorcycle (MC)
4. The non-motorized vehicles (UM

junction is the meeting of two or more intersecting streets. Generally intersection consists of a signalized intersection and not signalized intersections. The type of intersection based on the number of arms consists of a junction 3 and 4 arm sleeve.

A few things to note in geometric intersections are as follows:
1. Main Street, is the most important crossroads, for example in terms of road classification. In a  3-way intersection which is always defined as being the main road.
2. Pendekat (Wx), is the entry of vehicles into an arm crossroads. Pendekat main street called B and D, A and C minor roads in the clockwise direction.
3. The average width of all pendekat (W1), is the effective width of the average for all pendekat at a crossroads.
4. The average width pendekat minor / major (WAC / WBD) average width pendekat on minor roads (A - C) or the main road (B - D).

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