Management Construction

Construction management is the study and practice of managerial aspects of the construction industry and technology. Construction management can also be interpreted as a model of business done by the construction consultants provide advice and assistance in a development project.
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) states that there are seven main categories responsibilities of a construction manager, the project planning management, price management, time management, quality management, contract administration, safety management and professional practice.
Role of Construction Management in the Construction Industry is an excellent service provided to coordinate and communicate the entire construction process. As a construction project manager will handle all phases of your construction project. At the pre-construction phase, we will do all the necessary feasibility studies and research. Then came the design and planning. After the specification of the architecture and scheduling objectives well defined, the work was continued by builders and contractors to begin the actual building under our strict supervision. Emphasis on the independent of the other professionals involved in the construction. This neutrality makes it possible to objectively and impartially advise clients on the choice consultans and contractors, which allows clients to get the maximum benefit.
Construction Management Functions
The definition of the project is an attempt to achieve a particular goal that is limited by time and resources terbtas. So understanding the construction project is an effort to achieve an outcome in the form of bangnan or infrastructure. Construction project management is process of applying management functions (planning, implementation and application) systematically on a project with existing resources mengunkan efktif and efsien in order to achieve the project objectives optimally.
1 Planning (Planning)
Planning is determining what to do and how to do it. This means dealing with decision-making regarding choices.
2 Organizing (Organizing)
This function is related to the effort to establish the types of activities that are required to achieve a certain goal, classify these activities by type to more easily handled by subordinates.
3 Placement People (Staffing)
This function involves efforts to develop and put the right people in the various types of work that have been designed earlier in the organization.
4. Directing (Directing)
This function is usually called supervision. It involves coaching motivation and providing guidance to subordinates to achieve the main goal.
5. Control (Controlling)
This function is executed to ensure that the planning can be realized with certainty. There are many analysis tools for an effective control process. Process control is essentially always contains elements: planning is applied, an analysis of the deviation or deviations that occur, and determine the steps that need to be corrected.
Construction Management includes the physical quality of construction, costs and time. materials management and management of labor will be emphasized. That's because the planning management role only 20% and the remaining implementation management including cost control and project time.
Construction Management has several functions, among others:
As Quality Control to maintain compatibility between planning and execution.
Terjdinya anticipate changing conditions and uncertain lapngan overcome the limited execution time.
Monitor the achievement and progress of the project has been achieved, it is done with hospitalization (report) daily, weekly and monthly.
The results of the evaluation can be used as measures of decision-making to the problems that occur in the field.
Managerial functions of a management information system to analyze the performance of the field.
Purpose Construction Management
Target Construction Management is a management function to manage or oversee the implementation of development such that the optimal results obtained in accordance with the requirements (specification) for the purpose of achieving this goal. Note also the construction quality, cost and time of implementation used in order to achieve this result is always sought the implementation of quality control (Quality Control), monitoring costs (Cost Control) and supervision of the execution time (Time Control).
Application of the concept of good construction management is to start the planning phase, but can also on stage - another stage in accordance with the objectives and conditions of the project so that the concept can be applied to the Constitutional Court stage - stage of the project as follows
Construction Management projects carried out at all stages. Project Management Construction Management systems, operational techniques here include project management, in the form of input - input and or decisions relating to operational technical construction project, which covers all stages of the project, ranging from the preparation, planning, design, implementation and delivery of projects.
Construction Management Team has been instrumental since the beginning of the design, tendering and implementation of the project is completed, after a project is declared eligible ("feasible") ranging from the design stage.
Construction Management Team will provide input and refinement or decisions in the design until the project is completed.
Construction Management serves as the coordinator of the implementation and implement management or supervisory control functions.
The organizational structure of owner / consultant MK as the annex to the report. In this project, in accordance with the attached organizational structure, MK consultant consists of:
Supervisory structure, with the following job description.
1) To supervise the contractor how to work in the field of structure.
2) Supervise and control surveyor and supervisor of the contractor on the job structure in the implementation of daily tasks.
3) Checking and approving work permits, use / testing of materials, work schedule and the minutes of the contractors work progress in the field of structure, if it is in accordance with a predetermined.
4) Attend weekly meetings held by the contractor.
5) Checking plans contractors and sub-contractors working in the field of structure.
6) Give warning to the contractor supervisor on the job structure in case of deviation structure work.
Supervisory architect, with the following job description.
1) Controlling the suitability of working drawings and specifications relating to the design architect of the work the contractor / sub-contractor in the field.
2) Record and report the work of contractors / sub-contractors are not in accordance with the drawings and specifications of the architect.
3) Provide / create reports on the work of contractors / sub-contractors in the field of architects.
4) To order the contractor to carry out the work supervisor in accordance with the drawings and specifications of architects that have been determined if there is a job that is not in accordance with the drawings and specifications.
Supervisory mechanical & electrical (ME), with the following tasks.
1) To supervise the contractor on the job how the M / E.
2) Supervise and control supervisor contractor M / E in the execution of the task.
3) Assist the contractor to make weekly reports in the field of M / E.
4) Checking plans contractors and sub-contractors working in the field of M / E.
5) Provide a reprimand to the supervisor contractor M / E or sub-contractor in case of deviation jobs in M / E.
may be useful

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