Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Natural Stone Building Materials

Natural Stone Building Materials

 Natural Stone Building Materials

In general, when we talk about natural stone, not just simply reviewing of harsh natural shapes and chunks large, but should also be of good rock grains large, medium, until smooth, including talking about ground objects as building material.
Natural stone is actually marupakan expensive building materials. Typically use traditionally in an area, where the object is generated. Due to the nature of the natural stone when he was done starting from extracting, transporting and pembentukkannya, now the higher the price.
Natural stone is: all the ingredients that make up the earth's crust and is an aggregate of minerals that have been hardened as a result of natural processes such as freezing, weathering, sediment and chemical processes

The elements that make up a rock layer (crust) outside the Earth:
Ø Oxygen (O2): 49.4%
Ø silicon (Si): 25.4%
Ø Aluminium (Al): 7.5%
Ø Iron (Fe): 4.7%
Ø Calcium (Ca): 3.4%
Ø Sodium (Na): 2.6%
Ø Potassium (K): 2.4%
Ø Magnesium (Mg): 2.0%

Cycle 2 (Establishment) Natural Stone
Ø Magma
Ø Rock Frozen
Ø Sedimentary Rocks
Ø Sediment Inorganic
Ø metamorphic rocks
Ø Organic Sediment
Ø Fused Silicate-silicate and gas at high temperature and pressure
Ø Decrease in temperature, Crystallization and Freezing
Ø Effect of temperature, pressure and time of the change in shape and composition
Ø Consolidation back
Ø Destruction of mechanical, chemical, transport, and deposition
Ø Destruction, transport, and deposition by water, wind, river
Ø Weathering of igneous rocks that contain no fossils, but beans contain metal
Ø Weathering of igneous rocks that contain no fossils.

Types of Natural Stone :

A. Frozen rocks (Igneous Rock)
Types of natural stone igneous rock formed from lava that came out to the freezing of the earth's surface (extrusive) during volcanic eruptions and magma clots that break through layers of soil beneath the earth's surface or in the know with the intrusive. The main characteristic of this rock is its physical properties are hard and dense.

Types of natural stone including in this category are:
 Andesite Stone, Stone Steal, Salagedang templek Stone, Stone and Stone Temple templek Purwakarta (Lavastone).

B. Sedimentary rocks (sedimentary Rocks)
Types of natural stone, or better known sedimentary rocks with sedimentary rocks are rocks that are formed from the deposition process or sedimentation layers of soil and chemicals are washed away by water. Sedimentary rock composed of limestone rock, sandstone, tuff, and conglomerate.

Limestone Rocks
Limestone rock formed by sediment that lie at the bottom of the sea, rivers and lakes. This rock formation is the forerunner of marble stone. In addition to widely used for wall, this stone was a favorite for use as a base for the statue because its structure is very simple in nature stone pahat.Jenis included in this category are: Stone White Paras Jogja, Jogja Stone Beige Paras (Paras Gold), Stone Java Gold, Stone Brexy

Sandstone Rocks
Sandstone rocks formed from sand deposits of water-borne and wind. This stone structure is quite similar to the limestone's just harder. In Indonesia there are many different types of natural stone rock sandstone.Jenis included in this category are: Stone Palimanan
Tufa Rock
     Tufa rock is formed from calcium absorption through the evaporation of water in the river around the eyes or in the tufa gua.Batuan widely used for the outer wall or fence with a random pattern or natural stone acak.Jenis included in this category are: Paras Stone Kebumen

Conglomerate Rocks
Conglomerate rock formed from the sedimentation of mud and other small stones. These rocks have a variety of colors (multi-color). Types of natural stone including in this category are: Bali Green Stone

Metamorphic rocks C.
Metamorphic rocks are formed due to changes in pressure and high temperature or geothermal. These rocks consist of marble and stone templek (slate)

Stone Marble
Marble rock is formed from limestone rocks that crystallized over millions of years. This stone is beautifully colored with diverse shades so widely used in the world of architecture. In his use of marble stone is suitable for indoor use rather than exterior because of the character that accentuates the shine of marble stone would be best if placed indoors than outside ruangan.Jenis natural stone including in this category are: Marble Stone and Marble Supreme Tulung Bandung

Stone Templek
Templek rock formed from clay shale danbatuan. Named templek stone or stone slabs or stone because the stone can paste in a thin slab sides menjadin. Templek stone is suitable for walls, carport and driveway. Stone templek in mine manually in the hills and along the rivers. Generally, the mined rock shaped plates coated layers. Once in the mines, boulder grilled or smoked in order to easily cut and chisel into a thinner sheet. Types of natural stone including in this category are: templek Salagedang Stone, Black Stone templek Garut and Stone templek Purwakarta.
Coral Stone River (River Stone)
Her stone is formed process is similar to a stone templek only its smaller size. This stone can be found in the flow of the river so many so-called stone natural stone kali.Jenis included in this category are: Stone (Bronjol)

Coral Stone Brush (Coral Sea)
Coral brushes abundant in the sea or beach in the area flores. Differences in coral stone river (stone) with coral brushes is its color variations where marine rocks are more varied in color while the color just kind of stone.

Natural Stone Rework :
Processing of natural stone quarry or mining started degan that's how much depends on, the form of sediment, rock properties / hardness stone, stone mengolah.Setelah industrial scale resulting cleaned, usually done pengebran / division so that the boulder was broken, kemuian appointed place of sawmills and stone formation in accordance with a desired pattern

Nature of Natural Stone Associated With Its use is based on:
a. Weight and strength
b. Changes in shape due to the wet and dry
c. thermal expansion
d. Power thermal insulation
e. Effect of fire and
f. The influence of weather on natural stone for building

Some Ways of Testing Natural Stone :

Density and porosity
Apparent density is also called heavy volume
Is the density, which is measured by the volume of the object just visible or external, is part of the object is not taken into account

Actual Density
Is the density of objects, measured in a state completely Masip (without cavity) cavity porosity is content that is in the natural stone.

The absorption of water gives an overview of the content of the pore density or natural stone.
Compressive strength properties of natural stone is important to note, because it is known / estimated the density of the rock as well as structural properties are concerned with its usefulness.
Wear resistance test is required to determine how much of the natural stone is able to withstand the load friction


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